Wednesday, December 22, 2010

US Chess League, Game of the year!

This year for the 2010 season I was given the honor of being GOTY judge again. I was GOTY judge in 2008 and thought I did an ok job. I felt most of my choices were close to the general consensus and the eventual GOTY was also my choice.

This year I think it is going to be a lot more even and for instance even though the game that has been presented as 19th got three 20th place votes (including mine) it also got a 2nd place vote! I don't think anybody will agree with my choice for #1 and looking at some picks by non judges (by Greg Shahade and others) it's clear that everybody will see things differently and so I am pretty excited to see how my rankings will stack up vs the offical rankings.

Anyway check out for the countdown to the game of the year!

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