Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Strange behaviour of online players

Eh LOL is all I can muster after this funny episode. I played a game in the 3-minute pool. I win.

My opponent gives one of those lame pre-programmed "gg txx" or something like that. I don't care people may do what they want. I don't answer immediately and he says:

LG312 says: why are most chess players antisocial !??!

I answer: You got that from our game?

Not sent -- LG312 is censoring you.

Not that first time some blistering idiot censors me without me ever uttering a word to him. Damned if you do, damned if you don't?


  1. Do you know... I have played 3 games in a row... 1 min. Bullet is just for fun... not real ches...and I beat the guy twice quite easily. In the third game I made a premove...and get matted. The first thing that he did? '' Loooooooser''
    What can I say? I answered just '' Tsc tsc ...bad loser...bad winner too ''.
    Why people gives so much importance to rating online? They prefers to gain ''points'' than to gain ''friends''
    Complicated, huh?

  2. Oh yes. Some people are really bad mannered. I don't know how often I got insulted and censored without having talked to him before... Flaming and censoring is indeed the most pathetic thing to do.
